Tuesday, March 30, 2010

A New Season series- Episode 4.5

Well I missed a week, but I was pretty busy, so I'm excusing myself. As the one who holds me accountable on this, I get that privilege.

Some neat things are happening on this weeks episode. I went to a Youth Leaders lunch"eon" for the Kerrville District. The bummer was that I had to drive to Llano. The plus was that I was out of the office all day. Another bummer was that my allergies have have horrendous, causing the drive to Llano to be terribly painful and frightening when my eyes could hardly stay open most of the drive.

Last weekend I also got to buy part of Shadia's wedding bands and scope out mine. I now know who is going to officiate my wedding and just need to hash out the details of vows and order of the ceremony. I'm pretty excited to do that soon. I'm most excited to just be married already. I want a wife in this house, 'cause I want it to be a home. Plus, communicating plans for a wedding over phone and driving to San Antonio/San Marcos every weekend is highly overrated (and I don't think it's highly rated to start with).

Anyway, I have to go help the Hand Wringers chime choir now. They're desperate for help and I'm musically knowledgeable, so off I go.

Until next week. Hopefully, that episode will be more entertaining. This one almost put ME to sleep just telling it. Sorry.


Wednesday, March 17, 2010

A New Season series- Episode 3

Happy St. Patrick's Day!!!

So does anyone out there actually know who St. Patrick is?!?! He's known as the patron saint of Ireland and pretty awesome! He was from Britain, captured as a slave, and taken to Ireland. When he escaped, he fled back to Britain and joined the church. Soon after, he was called by God to return to Ireland and spread the gospel to the country that had previously enslaved him! What a baller Christian!!!

Anyway, I am SO thankful that I was never enslaved, in spite of being told what to do as a little kid. Although, I probably told my little brother what to do more than anyone...I was kind of a lame big brother. I'm getting better. Anyway, I bought my little brother (who is red-headed, yes, we are Irish) a giant green leprechaun hat over the Christmas break. It's pretty darn awesome. I hope he wears it today.

So apparently, "Be Thou My Vision" is an 8th century Irish hymn and a beautiful one at that. Now, I am a Youth Director and a Worship Leader who sings contemporary music, but there's just something so timelessly beautiful, peaceful, and majestic about that hymn.

Anyway, my prayer today is that among the many activities of this week (office, centerfuge, ultimate frisbee, worship practice, etc.) , I would do as St. Patrick and spread the gospel to those who need to hear it the most, whether friend or foe.

Praise God,


Tuesday, March 9, 2010

A New Season series- Episode 2

Well, I haven't actually had any episodes (or incidents) yet, so praise God for that!

Anyway, instead of just telling you what's going on in my life in the form of a chronological progression of events, I think I'll share what's been on my heart and stayed there.

Last Wednesday (my first as a Youth Director) God moved in my heart in the worship time with the youth. As I began to share MY story, I began to long to be a part of theirs. I began to earnestly desire to share God's love with them in a REAL way. I don't want only to share the message with them in words but through action in everyday life. God put a bit of His love for them into my heart, and I was stunned!!!

Today a funeral for a man named Brian is taking place. He died at too young an age (as we feel most people do). However, I was so thankful for the response a man made after Brian's death. In sight of this sudden loss of life, a friend of Brian, who is quite a bit older, came to church and asked how to be saved. Well, on Sunday, he proclaimed his belief in the LORD JESUS CHRIST and was BAPTIZED! How much more could we ask than through death, a life be saved?!?! Praise God for He SO loved the world that he gave his ONLY begotten Son that WHOEVER believes in Him shall not die but have ETERNAL LIFE! Praise the Father, Praise the Son.

On a side note, my beautiful fiance is coming to visit me in Uvalde today. I love her so much!

God bless you today,


Tuesday, March 2, 2010

A New Season

It's coming to the end of day 2 at my new job. Yesterday I started as the Director of Youth Ministries at FUMC Uvalde, TX. Once the library moved out of my space, I found my office. Although, I'm a little sad now because for a little bit I was reminded of the days when I built forts from cardboard boxes and couch cushions. Now I have nothing to hide behind when the pastor comes to find me. Just kidding.

I'm really excited about it. So far, the people have been very welcoming and have said they are SO glad that I'm here. Hopefully, they'll be as excited when I tell them we can use a hand. I have faith in this congregation though. They've been very encouraging to me and Shadia and have seemed to be very supportive of the youth and their involvement in the church.

At any rate, it's the beginning of a new season. I'm starting a new job in a new town with new responsibilities. I am finally out from under my dad's paycheck and paying my own bills and rent. I'll be married before I know it and can't wait to see what else the season brings.

Until next week, I hope. (I'm gonna try to do this thing weekly now.)
