Tuesday, November 24, 2009

Leading Others in Worship of God

So I was reading an article regarding how to instill your values within a worship song list. The article was interesting enough, but what really caught my attention was a line that said, "anyone can sing worship songs..." This line, regardless of context, spoke to me. It told me that being able to sing a song, no matter how well, does not really make you special or stand out. Here's the part that got me. If anyone can sing worship songs, what makes ME special as a worship leader? Talk about conviction...

The one phrase that put all humans on the same playing field inspired me to sanctify myself, to push myself to a different level, higher, closer to the God we worship. This closeness to God, ALONE, is what enables me to lead others in worship.

Also, I will be auditioning for a job on Sunday, so I am praying that God's will be revealed to me, that I may help get it done in his kingdom.

In His Love,